Friday, May 27, 2011

Morning after facing the Volturi

   "I'm almost in shock, Bella. I am marveling at how easy it is to read your mind now..." Edward murmured.
   I felt my stomach tighten. "You're dazzling me again, Edward. We have to get back up to the house or everyone will wonder where we are. And why we decided to keep Renesmee away from them."
    Edward chuckled. "Let them wonder then. I think they are all absorbed in learning everything they can from Nahuel anyway. So maybe it will go unnoticed."
    There was knock on the door. "Edward, Bella, open up!!!" Alice trilled in her high-pitched sing-song. "We have things to do. Nahuel will be leaving soon and we also have to clean up after some of our other guests."
     I sighed softly. "You were saying?"
    "Alice doesn't count. She could probably see that we were going to stay away all day if she didn't come get us." He raised his voice. "Maybe she should let us be," he said loudly enough for our sister to hear. I held back a giggle, knowing Alice wasn't going to be very happy doing that. Suddenly there was a breeze and then Alice was standing by the french doors in our bedroom, making a face at Edward's comment.
    "Edward, don't you want to know what is going to happen to your daughter as she grows?"
    Edward and I glanced at each other and I bit my lip as I turned back to Alice. "Alice," I began quietly. "We desperately want to know but we need time for each other right now. All the stress has left us mentally exhausted. Can't you give us this time to ourselves? I'm willing to bet you and Jasper feel the same way."
   Alice rolled her eyes. "Yes," she sighed. "But we are reasonable about it and also know that we need to find out everything we can about Nessie."
   I glanced at Edward. His jaw was tense and I heard his teeth grinding loudly in my ear. I pulled my shield back, letting Edward in to my thoughts. 'She's right, you know. We need to know about any problems we might encounter as Nessie grows. And Nahuel is already here -- we should take advantage of it. Edward, I want to stay right here with you but my curiosity will drive me insane with worry if we don't find out what we can.'
   He looked at me lovingly. "Alright," he sighed. "Fine. Give us a minute to get ready and get Nessie awake and dressed, Alice."
   She nodded. "Of course." She skipped off, pulling the front door closed behind her.
   I sighed. "There goes my perfect morning," I muttered wryly.
   Edward gave me a curious look. "But aren't you the one that convinced me to go over to the big house so we can get some needed information?"
   "Yes. But that doesn't mean I'm floating on air about it."
   He chuckled. "Leave it to Alice to make us haul Nessie over to the house when we were perfectly happy right here in the moment. What are you going to put Nessie in today Bella?"
    I thought for a moment. "That really pretty purple dress Alice bought about a week before she left to find Nahuel. It's perfect."
    Edward grinned. "Your fashion sense is improving, Bella. Alice is beginning to rub off on you."
    I wrinkled my nose. "I know. And it's terrible. At least my inside hasn't changed as drastically as my outside has."
    Edward wrapped his arms around my waist. "Your outside hasn't really changed that drastically either, Bella. You are simply still so used to your human appearance that it is difficult to see the similarities now that you are immortal. Trust me when I say that you are still the same Bella Swan I fell in love with that January."
    I smiled then stretched up on my tip-toes to give him a kiss. He returned the kiss but pulled back before I wanted him to. "We have to go wake Renesmee up, love. You promised Alice we would come up to the house."
   "I never promised," I said slyly, arching an eyebrow.
   "Oh but you did when you convinced me to go. So now we must, or Alice will never leave us alone."
   I made a face, then dashed off to wake up my beautiful daughter. She awoke easily, shining her ever beautiful smile at me. It was already slightly crooked, something she had inherited from Edward. She laid a hand on my cheek as I picked her up, showing me her thoughts.
   "Good morning to you, too, Nessie. You ready to go see Aunt Alice and Jacob?"
    She nodded, and delicately placed her thoughts in my mind. 'Will Grandpa Charlie be around today?'
    I shrugged. "Who knows besides Alice and she didn't tell me anything. You'll have to ask her. Now let's get you dressed."
    Quickly, I put Renesmee in her dress and threw her sandals on her for the quick trip up to the Cullen's large house. Edward met us at the front door, and together we ran, Renesmee on Edward's back. Within seconds, we were walking through the back door and being greeted by Alice, Esme, Carlisle and Nahuel.
    "Where's everyone else?" I asked, passing Nessie off to Esme.
    "Rose and Emmett are hunting, Jazz went for a run through the forest, and Jacob had to go meet up with Sam and the rest of the pack for a debrief after the showdown," Carlisle answered calmly. "They weren't sure when you three would show up so they went ahead and decided to carry on with their business."
    I nodded. "We didn't want to keep people waiting but we did want the day to ourselves. Would have had it too, if Alice hadn't shown up."
    Alice beamed at me. "You'll thank me later. I can see it."
    "Uh-huh. Suuure Alice. Your "vision"," I said, drawing air quotes, "requires me getting some information worth being dragged away from my handsome husband the morning after the most stressful confrontation ever."
    "Momma, don't be mad at Aunt Alice," said Renesmee in her soft soprano voice. "She loves us all so much she just wants some time with us, right Aunt Alice?"
     "Yes, Nessie. See, Bella? Your daughter understands my need to see you three," Alice said smugly, her pixie-like face gloating exultantly.
     "My daughter happens to have the mind of a seven-year-old child, Alice. Of course she would understand. She doesn't have any other thought on her mind."
      Edward placed a hand on my shoulder, keeping me close. "Bella, love, let it go. We can leave Nessie over here tonight and have some time to ourselves."
      I nodded, breathing deeply out of habit. I glared at Alice, letting her know I was still angry then ran upstairs to Edward's old room.
     Within a few moments, I was calm and collected, ready to face them all. "I'm sorry for that, Alice. And I apologize to you all for my behavior."
      "Of course, Bella," said Alice softly. "I understand, really I do. It's just....."
      "You want to know what's going to happen to Nessie."
      She nodded. I took a breath and turned to look at our guest. "Well, Nahuel. Tell us everything about your childhood, from the very beginning."

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